Our 7 Qtpies

August 03, 2007

End of Summer contests!

Tasra at Lessons from the Scrapbook Page is hosting an End of Summer Blog-Abration through August 31st. Tasra has lined up tons of fabulous prizes! All you scrapbookers should head over on the double!
I want to scrapbook again. I need to pick it back up, its been years and years. My last 2 kids aren't in any albums at all! Maybe I'll win something and I'll get motivated to start again.

Blue Thistle Books is having a big giveaway.... and a huge Back to Homeschool Sale throughout the month of August!

Blue Thistle Books is giving away a brand spankin' new Cuisinart Pure Indulgence 2 QT Frozen Yogurt, Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker! It is an amazing machine, valued at $79.95! This contest is also open until August 31st.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

MGM said...

I guess I'm an idiot. I followed your link, but can't seem to fine the Cuisinart Pure Indulgence giveaway. Can you give me more hints on how to find it?
