Our 7 Qtpies

October 03, 2007 and fuelmyblog are having a contest for $500! Check out the competition page for details.

I am a big deal blogger and deserve to win this funny t-shirt and win $500 because no one else is willing to amuse you and entertain you and horrify you like I am with just my daily life as a parent. It is funny to you, because you are not the ones dealing with these things.
I lived through the 2 years Trinity would play with her poop. Painting her crib daily, finger painting her sheets and walls with poop. "White washing" her doll house fence with poo. She even made little poop figures to decorate my staircase with. I survived that. Just those years alone should qualify me to win that $500, or at least a t-shirt, but it didn't end there.
Now I have Sam. This is Sam. After his trip to the litter box. Yes, that is cat litter stuck to the snot on his upper lip. Why, yes, he does enjoy eating cat poop.

And lest you think I am kidding, click on this picture and you will see the litter inside his mouth. I know, he seems to be such a cute kid, but really, he's a disgusting monster.

Don't believe me? This is the SAME night. That is not cat poop. That is HIS poop. And yes, it IS on his mouth. He decorated the chair, the carpet, his sister's toy AND ate it.

But he sure cleans up good!

So, who else is willing to not only admit that their kid does this, but also post pics of it to amuse and horrify you? That's right, only me.

So, since I need that $500 to help us fix all the things that have decided to die around here recently (furnace, van, car, dryer, washer, fridge/freezer, to name the biggies) I would appreciate it if you would all show me the love and go vote for me and put me in the top 100.

I promise you, if I am elected the winner of the $500 I will end the posting pics of my child eating poop. I will bring you more entertaining stories of my life with 7 kids. And I will even make a cake.

Please go vote! You do have to register and confirm your email, but after that it is easy to do, I promise! Remember, if I get in the top 100, I will never post another poop picture on my blog again!

10 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said... know how I feel about poop! I hope you make the top 100, and you know I will be voting for you! :)

Mrs. Stam said...

LOL is so gross but also so funny, Your great Lisa Hope you win this one!!!!

Carina said...

OK, I am going to vote right now, because all the poop in this post has put me off my lunch!

A cake, now. You promised!

Carina said...

Congrats on being the fuelmyblog blog of the day!

Be Inspired Always said...

Oh my. I'll vote :)


yofed said...

Did he learnt that from his big sister Trinity? ;)

Jackie said...


I have to say, though, that you are not the only one with kids that do this. Gulp. I will never forget walking in one morning to find two recently-de-diapered babies in one crib THROWING their diaper contents at the wall.

I now don't feel like some weird mom. Thanks. I'll go vote now. : )

Janean said...

LOOVEE the pictures. I don't feel like such a lone ranger now that I know what YOUR kids eat for dinner. HeeHeee...

I left an award for you on my page. I hope you will stop by and copy the pic for your sidebar. You are a blessing to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know when I have gagged and laugh more. EEEEWWWWW

I have something for you too.
click here

Me said...

All I have to say is GROSS-Lisa that is just WRONG!!!!! I could puke! LOL!!!! Not terribly shocking though, you have crazy(and sweet) kids!;0)