Our 7 Qtpies

November 04, 2007

Thanks to these lovely blogs

who are making for a great Christmas for us! Well, maybe just for me, lol. All except one of these will be for me.
I am posting these so you can all go and see these great sites.

Who Said Anything About Common Sense? offered a Panera gift card for the Fall, Y'all giveaway. This was probably my favorite contest to enter because even thought it wasn't that super sexy apron, Panera is awesome, but the reason it was so fun was that you had to comment on what fish think about. Well, Princess Leia said that not only did the number generator pick my comment as the winner, I was one of her mom's favorite commentors, too! You'll have to go check it out to see what I think fish think.

Mommy of Three offered up two copies of Hollywood Nobody, a book. I won one of the copies! I love reading, as you can tell by all the book reviews on my blog. (got another review coming up!)

Plus, another book I won is Confessions of an Irritable Mother from Surviving Motherhood. Karen, the author, is a speaker, too.

I am so excited about winning a blog design from Erica at Butterfly Kisses! Donnie hasn't really wanted me to spend money on my blog before, and while he would probably say yes soon, I can't afford it right now. So this is an amazing treat to me! What should I do??? I love my header, but maybe I could do a different pic of the kids for fall or winter for the new design?

And then I also won a knit hat for Trinity from Kara's Custom Crochet. Trinity is so excited that someone is going to make something for HER.

Thank you wonderful ladies for your great giveaways! I am so thankful to you all!

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

Wow! 5 contest wins! Awesome! So, when are we all going to Panera! I love that place!

I am excited to "barrow" the books after you read them...

and let's get that speaker locked in with a day here! That was a super...slendiferous suggestion! (ok, I had to say goes with my pic!)

Nighty, night...I obviously need sleep. I am talking/typing at a comment box, 'nuf said! :)

Sassyfrazz said...

Wow! 5 contest wins! Awesome! So, when are we all going to Panera! I love that place!

I am excited to "barrow" the books after you read them...

and let's get that speaker locked in with a day here! That was a super...slendiferous suggestion! (ok, I had to say goes with my pic!)

Nighty, night...I obviously need sleep. I am talking/typing at a comment box, 'nuf said! :)

Sassyfrazz said...

opps...I am sorry about the double here is is a charm! (like you, Jody, and I)

Sarah said...

Jackpot! I won a blog makeover too...I have no idea where to begin...I love the picture in your header, I wouldn't change it.