Our 7 Qtpies

December 21, 2007

Starbucks surprise

I took Kaytlin to see a specialist in the twin cities today, and when we were finally done, we stopped at Starbucks so she could get a reward after the x-rays and blood draw.
I was on the phone, and had the twins I babysit, so I stayed in the car.
Soon Kaytlin came out grinning and rather pink tinged. She finally said "Would you get off the phone so I can tell you what happened?"
Ok, then!
She went in to the store to order and the guy said "Are you ready to order?" and she said "I'd like an apple spiced cider tall." and he said "No." Kaytlin said "What?" while thinking "Does this guy have mental problems?" (I'm thinking, this guy is flirting with my daughter) He said no to her twice and then said "You didn't know what to do did you?" "No." Then he starts asking her what she's up to today and that he's sorry she isn't feeling well (from having to go to the doctor) and asked what she's doing over Christmas. Finally he asks if she's available later today because he gets off at such and such a time. LOL She said "I'm OK, thanks."
Apparently he was a very cute, buff black college age man, and Kaytlin was thrilled to have his attention.
But she doesn't date. Nor would I have allowed her to date a college guy or a stranger from Starbucks.
But I'm glad he flattered her so. She doesn't realize how gorgeous she is.

You know I had fun with this. So much fun, in fact, that I learned how to text message. Well, sort of learned, Kaytlin helped me a lot. I texted Drew in class and told him "Kay got hit on by a college guy" then texted him again "and he was cute." Then I called him during lunch and he said "You learned to text just to tell me that? You realize that now I have to go hunt down and kill a guy I don't know."
Donnie didn't react as strongly, only because he knew she'd say no.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

That is so funny! Yes, Kaitlyn is a beautiful girl...she looks like her momma~

I bet it sure boosted her spirits to get recognized like that~made her day!

Janean said...

How COOL! What an ego boost. :D
My Guy just learned how to text...then I taught him the "shortcut autofill" feature. Now I may have to go get a text pkg cuz he's going CRAZY with it.
Happy Holidays!