Our 7 Qtpies

January 28, 2009

Who is being fooled here?

Last night I watched a bit of the show about the "pregnant man." 
I do not understand the fuss. You can't go into the record books as being the first man to be pregnant when you are really a woman. Taking testosterone and growing a beard, having your mammary glands removed, does not make you a man. She is still a woman with woman parts. An autopsy would show she is a woman. A physical exam would show she is a woman, she still has a vag**a and uterus. Testosterone does not make a person a man. 

Who is really being fooled here? I'm not fooled. She can turn back into a woman easily, stop taking testosterone. That's it. She could even get implants to replace what she had removed. The only people fooled that she is a man are herself and her wife. 

When she is dead and if for some reason someone came across her bones a hundred years from now, they would say she was female. Taking testosterone would not alter that find. 

Basically. Some woman who wants to be a man, is pretending to be a man, is pregnant. What is the big deal? 

Don't get me wrong, I do have empathy for her feelings of being a man in a woman's body, it isn't that. I just don't get the media attention. She is a SHE physically, how is that an amazing thing for her to turn up pregnant? It's not. She has the parts because she IS a woman, not a man. That is what I don't get. "Pregnant man" is not what is going on here. Will the media really jump on anything?

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Cheryl Pitt said...

Thank You! I can't tell you how often I've said the same thing. "He" was born a woman, the baby was carried in "his" uterus. He's not really a pregnant man in my book.

Hanging Off The Wire said...

I am not fooled. I think the whole thing is ridiculouds. I do understand the "want" for children, and doing what you need to do to get pregnant (been there, done that), but the hype about it all is boring by now. Sheesh.

Lisa said...

My hubby and I argued over this one. He said he had male bit's surgercially implanted and I told him NOPE he still has Lady Bits..and had the child as a Lady would..I had to show him articles telling him "he still had Lady bits"
I am not fooled, his five minutes of fame will wear out soon enough.

purple6 said...

This whole thing about her being a "man" just irritates me! I have thought the exact same thing you have about this situation!

Joyful Noise said...

Goes to show how - can't think of the right word - STUPID maybe - the media is when it comes to "NEWS". This is not news! It is a woman having a baby...gee like that only happens what thousands of times per day if not more!