Our 7 Qtpies

May 07, 2010

Iron Man 2

As you know, my family is pretty much geeky to the max. If it is comic book related, we are all over it. Video games? We're there! Movies? Gotta see it!
So last night at 11:35 we loaded up the van with most of the kids and headed to the midnight showing of Iron Man 2. (and that included Trinity and Sam!)
Normally we would have waited to see it at a normal hour, but Donnie is going out of town, so we went last night.
I have mixed feelings about the movie. Loved Tony Stark and his angst, he just rocks! But the story wasn't as exciting as I was hoping for. The first part of the movie almost bored me, but soon the action made up for it, and the romance!
There were several one-liners that just cracked me up: Tony to Nick Fury "I don't want to start out on the wrong foot, should I look at the eye patch or the eye?" lol And later Nick says to Tony "I've got my EYE on you."
Sam and Trinity were too young for the movie. They couldn't keep up with the non-action parts and got bored during parts. Cody LOVED the movie and thought it was amazing. I thought it was very good, but not awesome. We will definitely buy it, but I won't be going to see it 3 times in theaters like I did for The Proposal and How to Train Your Dragon.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mrs. Stam said...

I like the first one, so you would say that the second one is worth watching?

Ps how about nudity and bad language would there be any in this movie????

Grandma J said...

I'm not even going to TRY to watch this one. I tried to be a good sport and sit through the first one in it's entirety. Nope. Couldn't do it. I HONESTLY was bored to tears...(DURING the action parts), and could not squelch the urge to walk out of the room. I watched it at home, but I'm pretty sure I would have left a movie theater too.

I'm already sick of Ironman2...just from the commercials!