Our 7 Qtpies

May 06, 2010

Shouldn't this be all over the news?

Every town, city, state should be talking about this headline in California:
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees.

I have a different take on this than many conservatives. The screaming from most people are that these kids' freedom of speech was violated. They were being racist to not allow them to wear American shirts in America because there are Mexicans in the school on a Mexican holiday. (not that Mexico really observes it, nor is it an official holiday in the states)

The principal felt that the kids were going to beat up because it was incensing violence from the Mexican American kids. The boys obviously wore the shirts and bandannas on purpose because it is a Mexican holiday. What are the odds that 5 white boys who are friends are all going to do that one the same day on a Mexican holiday in a largely Mexican populated school? They were showing their pride. Did they do anything "wrong?" No, they are allowed to wear American flag shirts on any day. Did they try to anger the Mexicans? Probably.

Be a parent for a minute. Of COURSE you are going to be mad that your kid was sent home for wearing American clothes to an American school! But tell me this: What would you have felt should have happened if those kids were beat to a pulp over it and the principal had knows that the Mexican American kids were angry enough to do it but didn't try to protect your kids?

No, the action wasn't the logical right thing to do. No, the Mexican kids were being ridiculous. But you can't expect the principal to be able to teach the kids that they are living in America for a reason and need to have pride in that, and to realize that Cinco de Mayo is not even a real holiday in Mexico or here, it is just an excuse to get drunk! The principal also, quite logically, would not be able to protect those 5 boys from how many Mexican kids?

If you have a crowd of people, it only takes one loud idiot to turn the whole group into a raging killing machine. The bigger the group, the more stupid they become. Even if there is one smart person in the group that speaks out, they will be mobbed and shut down and inflame the group to more stupidity. It is just a fact.

So, yes, the principal violated the students free speech, but he probably saved them from a beating or death. Get over it, people, and start screaming for education for the Mexican AMERICAN kids who need to be educated on why their parents felt AMERICA was a better place to raise them. Those kids need to be punished today, and the principal needs to be supported, unless he doesn't use this as an education tool after this incident.

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Joyful Noise said...

So true - but I doubt that it will be taken as an educational incident. You are right but I think the kids knew that that may happen. I am just happy to see that the parents are standing behind the kids and not apologizing for them wearing the shirts.

Mrs. Stam said...

wow thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

FYI The boys that wore the American flag themed clothes weren't all "white." They were on the news and at least 3 of them were hispanic or mixed. Puts a whole new spin on the story.
- ElizaBeth

Qtpies7 said...

Thanks Elizabeth, I did see later that 2 of them were at least part Mexican.
I wonder how it played out, did they find out if the boys had been taunting about it, or did the principal get fired? I haven't heard.