Our 7 Qtpies

August 21, 2006

Our blessings!

Here is a pic of all of our qtpies, except Sam who will be here in November. The pic was taken in Atlanta at the Underground while on the way to our vacation in Orlando this summer. Drew, who is the ham laying on the ground, will soon be 17. In the back row is Devon, who is 13, he likes to be dramatic, but on a different wave length than Drew, he was having a good time even though he looks mad. Then comes Cody, who is 11, he is more ham-ish, like Drew, lol. Next is Kaytlin, who is holding Trinity (2 1/2), she is truely a sweet soul at 15, and getting her permit this week. Lastly in line is Hope-Anne, 9 years old, who wants to remain the baby, even while wanting us to have tons more babies for her to mother! Hope-Anne likes getting the attention of the baby, but also loves having babies around.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

hebrewmama said...

Hi Lisa!
It's so great to read your blog. It's GREAT!!
Your children are all so handsome and beautiful!
That Trinity, she IS a pill, isn't she. LOL!!
You are such a blessing, Lisa.
