Our 7 Qtpies

October 26, 2007

In the mirror

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see a real reflection? Is that the real you?
All you see in that mirror is the outside you. Unless you use a magnifying mirror, you may see more inside of your pores than you want to, but that's another story.

The true mirror is what you see reflected back at you from your children. Children are God's mirror for you to see whats out of place. Instead of that wild hair we worry about, God wants us to look at that attitude problem, or that little white lie problem, or that disrespect issue. We are not going to just listen to God, because we don't "see" those things in ourselves very easily.
So, God gave us children. When you are dealing with an issue with your child, you really have to stop and look at where they are getting it. Usually the trail stops at you. Sometimes they are just nuts, but usually, if you really look closely, you can see that they ARE, in fact, doing what you do.
And that is the ugliest mirror to look into. It is worse than the lighted magnifying mirror.
However, it is also the best mirror to look into because it tells the truth, it is not inverted, and it shows you things that CAN be changed, instead of crooked eyes that you can't fix.

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

Thank you for posting that. I have been thinking so much of this lately with how our attitude, and how we talk, really sticks with our kids. They are a reflection of us...we we need to reflect God~~

byoc said...

Wow, where do you come up with these topics? Do you just think them up? You are tooooo awesome and I am always impressed with your insight. I am very proud of you.

Carina said...

So true! I'm just waiting for the age when my children start coming back with, "But you do it Mommy!"

Unknown said...

This is probably the thing I avoid and dread the most...because I just DON'T want to face the mirror.