Our 7 Qtpies

December 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #48

This pic is actually thanks to my friend Jody who doesn't blog but spotted the sign over my shoulder and said I needed it for my blog. Good thing I rarely leave home without my camera!

15 people think my kids are qtpies:

MammaMayMiller said...

Wonderful:)!! I wonder what kinda smells they are?? Nice or nasty? I could certainly adverstise free smells myself but they wouldn't be particularly pleasant...hehehe

ellen b. said...

Funny! There's a whole new world out there since we've started blogging! :)

SandyCarlson said...

I wonder what kind of free smells! Wow. Thanks for something intriguing!

Momgen said...

Thats interesting in there...Mine is here.

jams o donnell said...

I'm curious as to the sort of smells that are being offered for free! Happy WW and have a happy Christmas

Liz said...

Great shot! Reminds me of a bakeshop here in the Philippines with the same ad. Happy WW.

Jenn in Holland said...


Sassyfrazz said...

That is superb! Mmm...I know what smells you were smelling~ LOL...good signage for restrooms>>>HA hA Ha~

Sandee said...

I thought smells were free anyway? Cool sign though. What kind of business? Bakery, perfume? Have a great WW. :)

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

That's a little scary...I would be afraid of what I was smelling!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh that's funny! Great shot.

Lori said...

OK...what exactly are we smelling?? lol...Happy WW.

Mama Grizzly said...


EHT said...

I'd like to think the sign was at a doughnut shop. I'd really like one right now...

Anonymous said...

And I work so hard at having no smell. :) Cool shot.