Our 7 Qtpies

January 01, 2008

What are people looking for on my blog?

I love looking at my stats and seeing what searches people do to find my blog. Or rather, what weird searches people do that land them on my blog. Because many times I am not blogging about the stuff they are looking for.
Over the last year spanking, peeing, pooping, and a combination of those are the main things that people get to me with. Why? Why are you looking for "peed her pants spank" or "spanking and peeing?" There are even more that are just too sick to put on here.
Thermometer in hiney
her.hiney smarting spanked
cell phones for senior citizens
jump start world review
cow tongue devotion
brother ate cat poop
free blog of ten little piggies
funny christian blog (personally, I like coming up in this search!)
photo whale's dork
Drew's a dork
dog mastitis pictures (seriously?)
dollhouse poop (our dollhouse doesn't poop)
big moms with little boys (google better get me off this list!)

I think one of the weirdest ones was "squatting forebag" or something like that, lol.

I didn't say anything, but I was so excited when my stat counter went over 15,000 people! I will hit 15,500 soon, and I think I shall have a giveaway then. But first I have to get busy and do some reviews and giveaways of other products.
Coming up:
Boon review and giveaway
Twisted Silver jewelry review and giveaway
Dance Praise review
several book reviews
And my personal favorite, jewelry I bought for my awesome readers, cause I love ya!

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

michelle said...

Okay, so I was just over at your blog reading, considering leaving a comment, when lo and behold, who sends ME a comment, saying I am neglecting my blog again!!! You seem to do enough writing for the both of us. Perhaps you should take mine over and add some filler posts. In all reality, I have at least 3 blog posts bumping around in my head, but I haven't had time to write any of them out yet. You would think that with today being a holiday that I would get the day off, but instead I spent my day cleaning and organizing cupboards, cooking for the freezer, and making menu plans. Come to think of it, maybe you should just come over and do all of my jobs so that I have time to blog more. Grin!!!


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I always get a kick out of some the searches that lead people to me too. It's funny how Google connects us all.

Wendy said...

So far the strangest search I've found in my stats was "teens in diapers for a long car trip". There are some strange people out there, that's for sure!

Sassyfrazz said...

It is really funny and weird how people find the blogs. I had someone put in "add drano to pregnant women's pee!" Isn't that funny?? I hope they tried it, too! I miss you, too! I am sorry that Sam had a rough night... :( poor sweetie!