Our 7 Qtpies

February 06, 2008

Soapbox rantings

I am so against a big, babysitting government. It is not the government's place to tell people how to live. But that is exactly what is happening. Our children will soon not be safe in our own homes, being forced into daycares and preschools where "professionals" will raise them for us, since we don't know what we are doing. We can no longer choose to have an establishment that allows smoking or doesn't allow it, because we are not smart enough to make the right choice.
There is a presidential hopeful who wants to make exercise MANDATORY for every American. Oh, yes.

But this takes the cake.
Mississippi is presenting a law that would prohibit restaurants from serving obese people. Yes, if you are fat, you will not be allowed to buy prepared foods.

What happened to the constitution? What happened to our Bill of Rights? What happened to our government?
We are guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! If the pursuit of happiness makes us fat, that is our business!
Minnesota is complaining that there has been a sudden increase in weight gain in our citizens. Ya think? What happens when people quit smoking? Ban smoking and people need to EAT.

I am very glad I still have the right to tell lawmakers that they are BEYOND STUPID!!!

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Alicia said...

Yup. It's scary. When the power shifts from the people to the Government, we begin to lose our voice and eventually our freedom. When the Government has all the control we are then being led by Socialists. Pray for our Country!!!

Alicia Rawlins

Anonymous said...


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Silly laws know no political boundaries.

I'm curious to know which presidential hopeful wants to make exercise mandatory. I haven't heard a thing about it and I'm obsessively following the presidential race...