Our 7 Qtpies

April 22, 2008

Clearing my head a bit!

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There is something that has always bothered me about my father in law. I love him, he is the sweetest, nicest guy in the world. Truly, the only argument he would ever have is over who should sit in a chair, and it won't be him, he will insist you take it! What bothers me is that when someone is talking about something he acts like he doesn't know anything about that topic, even if it were something he did as a career. He doesn't want to make someone feel like they are dumb, or he is smarter than they are or something. I don't get it.
My husband does it on a lesser scale. And that really drives me nuts. I think people don't get how smart he really is. I know it. But other people don't know.
He was offered a West Point scholarship, that he turned down to marry me. He was given the military career book and told to pick a career, anything he wanted at all. His scores were very high. And when he was accidentally sent to the wrong base in Germany, the base commander saw his file and saw his scores and MADE a spot for him at the base and refuse to let him go to the right base. Later they even had to petition Washington to make a spot for his MOS so that he could stay on for more years. In military intelligence. War game simulations.
He is very smart and I am very proud of him. He works really hard and makes more than enough money to support a family as large as ours. I appreciate him so much and I wish other people would know how smart he really is. But he doesn't want other people to feel that he is smarter or that they are not smart. He doesn't want people to know he is very smart, its a humble thing, I guess.
But it breaks my heart.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

What a humble guy! Even though I can see why it would bother you a bit, it's still better than him being arrogant. ;-) He sounds like a great guy!