Our 7 Qtpies

April 25, 2008

Last Minute Bloggy Blast!

Updated** The winner is Chelsey! Congratulations, Chelsey! The gift card has already been emailed to you.

I decided to add one more giveaway to the last day of the Bloggy Giveaways. Just because.

I have a $20 gift card for a lucky commenter!

But, I also have a free $25 for EVERYONE! Really! I have heard they are not APO friendly, but they do have great customer service, you may be able to talk to them and see what the deal is.

Revolution Money Exchange works like Paypal, without the fees!!!

Why are they giving away money? Well, what better advertising than YOU getting the advertising dollars instead of the TV? I am advertising for them because they will pay ME $10 to tell you to go sign up!

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange

I have been doing this for a week and I have received my money, verified my account and effortlessly transferred it to my checking account. RM has more security hoops to jump through than Paypal, and I know Paypal is safe. But RM is backed by an FDIC insured bank, so you are mega insured. You know, in case someone is so desperate for the piddly amount in someone's checking account that they are going to spend a week or more trying to decipher your log in name, password AND the security question. I can guarantee that if they spent that long on mine, they would be pretty mad at what they'd be able to spend.

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Leave a comment telling me why you are not going to grab your $25. Too rich? Or leave me a comment and thank me for the $25! And I will thank you for the $10 referral money! Oh, and if it makes a difference, my hubby is possibly going to be out of a job soon, so help me out, if you don't want the $25, get it and send it to my RM account. I don't turn down free money.

I will pick a winner on Sunday so all the people who have to work all week can still enjoy signing up for giveaways!

126 people think my kids are qtpies:

PS said...

Hmm..I've seen your link to this before and almost clicked it a few times...Why haven't I? I already have my bank account out there through paypal, and I just don't feel like it needs to be out there anymore. Sorry I'd love to get $25 free and give you referral money...Sell me on it some more!

Anonymous said...

i'm going to pass on the 25 bucks for now. i have signed up for to much stuff and although i need the money. i'm just not in the mood right now. would love to win the amazon card
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com

Gigi Lynn said...

I just clicked on your link and got through the registration process to the point where it asked me for my social-security number. I do not recall having to give that to PayPal, and it makes me nervous to give it to such a new company. So nope, not going to sign up for it right now. Sorry -- I really wanted the $25 and to help your family!

Springjoy said...

I'd love to sign up. I actually already did, and it just won't work for me. I don't know why, I tried to contact support, but to no avail. Perhaps I'll try again. :)

alaskawildrose AT

Sandra said...

I was always told if it sounds too good to be true it likely is.... and that principle has saved me from many catastrophes. On top of that I am too afraid to get signed up for something that will then flood my email with tons of messages I want nothing to do with. I don't know...perhaps once I have heard a few more success stories then I could be convinced as well. I would love a chance at the amazon gift card though.

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

CanCan said...

I already signed up for my account or I would do it to give you the referral. It really does work, guys! Free money!

susan1215 said...

I'm always skeptical of "free money". There is usually a catch.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could but since I just moved they could not confirm an accurate address and thus did not accept my application. ) :



SmilingSally said...

Who doesn't like free money, right? Well, I'm extra cautious about providing information over the internet, so I'll pass. However, I would like a chance at the Amazon card.
Thank you.

Tammy said...

I'm with up there with Gigi Lynn, while I LOVE free money (and who doesn't), I won't give out my ss number for it. The cost of having that mis-used is not worth $25.00. I wish you many blessings in getting referrals from others though!

Jennifer said...

It sounds too good to be true ... so I'm going to pass for now. But I won't turn down an Amazon gift card LOL! Thanks!

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

I talked to my hubby and he and I have never heard of this before and therefore he doesnt want to sign up... so for now I will have to pass.. if he changes his mind I will come back to your site and sign up.
I would however love to with the Amazon $$...


Tricia said...

Thanks for the info...I already signed up via a friend's link. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Betsy said...

Thanks for this contest and the best of luck to you and your hubby! We have btdt with the job situation for the past 1.5 years and it is not fun! I like my paypal and I really do not use services like this very much anyway.

Krista said...

I'm a little leery of something I've never heard of... it took me forever just to use paypal! Plus I'm tired of giving out my banking info. I've already had people use my personal ID twice and had a huge hassle trying to get the collections agency off my back and my credit report cleared. Thanks, but no thanks.

Kathryn said...

please sign me up for the giftcard - great idea!!!

Deb said...

I'm going to pass on the $25 from the link this time - I use Paypal so rarely that I don't really need to set up another account somewhere. :)

Anonymous said...

It appealed to me but they don't service Canadians. Who knew?
Amazon will, though!

Unknown said...

I wish I could grab it...but I already have I can't! :(

Laura said...

I tried to grab it, but I was told I couldn't be verified? Don't know what that was about, I sure could have used it!

michelle said...

I must admit that I am hesitant to subscribe to this. First of all, I never used PayPal, never purchased on Ebay even, so I really have no use to sign up for this one...$25 or not...sorry.

I also read a caution at the following site, which made me even more hesitant.
(I had to split the link in half. Just remove the space.) The whole part about "We may disclose ALL of the information we collect...," opt-out policy or not, made me decide against it. $25 in free money isn't worth a pound of trouble in the end, should any trouble come from it.

I would still love to be entered in your giveaway, if that is okay.


Marcia said...

I don't use paypal for anything so I don't have an account like that.

I hope I'm still eligible for your giveaway! It looks like you have a wonderful family! I hope you guys will be alright if your husband is out of a job soon. I am currently supporting my parents. I'm only 22, and I moved them in with me.

Amanda said...

i'm with lots of the people who have already commented. if it were just me i would probably have signed up right away without hubby however is more cautious...and we've decided nope because of the whole social security number thing. i just don't use things like paypal often enough to justify it...even if they want to give me "free" money! however, i do love amazon!

Julie said...

Please count me in on the gift card!

CrystalGB said...

I am afraid to give out my ssn so I will pass on the $25.
Thanks for the giveaway. I love Amazon.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds wonderful! :)

Momnerd said...

I tried signing up too and they said I wasn't verified AFTER I gave all my info so I must admit I'm worried now.
I'd still love to be in your giveaway though. ;) And I'm like you, stealing my identity isn't going to do anyone any good.

Chelle' said...

I too made it to the SSN and was hoping to bypass it but to no avail.

Thanks for the opportunity however.

Please enter me for the giftcard drawing however.


Alitheia said...

I'm not signing up for any new services at the moment, but I'd love a chance at your gift card =)

Unknown said...

I'd love to be entered into the drawing, but didn't sign up for the RME because I am too leery about giving my SS# to a company that is so newly established.

Beth said...

I'd like to enter the drawing for the gift card.

The draw of $25 free is hard to resist, but I'm very leery of passing out some of the info they want.

Paypal was tested and tried before I signed up with them, and I knew what to expect from them... Revolution, on the other hand, is new. And may be TOTALLY trustworthy! But I'm not comfortable with it yet.

Melanie Sheridan said...

Ditto on the SS# over the internet. I wish I could help, I'm out of a job too so I feel you. Thanks for the chance at the Amazon card!

Danielle said...

Sorry about your husband, we are right in job limbo too..darn economy!

Anyway I would love to send you that referal money but I am already signed up for rme.

Thanks & many blessings@

GrowingRopers said...

thanks for the advise! i'll definately look into it! i have had my paypal account broken into before :( they did resolve it for me...but it was still not a great day!

Kimberly said...

I'm not sure if I want to sign up for that right now. I need to learn more about it first. Thanks for the offer though.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my husband would kill me if I gave out my ss#. I'm all for $25 but not if it puts ME in the doghouse. I hope something works out for your family and the job situation. Thanks for the giveaway.

Becky said...

Please enter me for the Amazon gift card.

I'm like many others--a bit too skeptical about "free" money.


laney_po AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Well... I'm going to pass on RM because I've never had an online service like this or Paypal. I realize I'm passing up on a good thing, but I've been able to do without it so far.

$20 to spend at Amazon, though, would be sweet. :-) Thank you for the chance to win!


Jules said...

Thanks for the chance to win the Amazon card!

I signed up for RME earlier this week, got my money and everything, no strings attached. It feels way more secure than Paypal too. Love it!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

ali said...

i've got enough accounts and everything now. but thanks for the giveaway

Musing Truth said...

thanks for the giveaway - i already have a paypal account, but i will give this some consideration!!

Suz said...

Thanks for opening my eyes to a paypal alternative. For now, I'm happy with paypal, but best of luck to you in raking in the dough!

Julie Donahue said...

I already signed up. (In fact, it might have been under you?!?!) I know it was someone at the carnival.

I did find a great article that talked about verifying the info (and why they require SSN.) My carnival post has the link.

Linsey Knerl said...

I love Money Exchange, I know you'll love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer Beaver said...

I signed up for Money Exchange already, but would love to win the other prize!



Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'd like to be entered in your giveaway! And please come check out mine - there are a few more hours in which you can enter!

MoneyRevolution must be having trouble with their website or something. I found out about it on another site and tried to sign up. After many frustrating attempts, it finally took my information and looked like it was going to go through ok, and then I got a page telling me that my information couldn't be verified, and they'd send me an email telling me what to do next. Only, no email arrived. I'm less than happy about that! So just so you know, it may not be working for people right now.

Tarasview said...

well... my husband is the pay pal guy in our family. I don't have an account. I think it might be unwise for me to be able to buy stuff on line with no hassle!
taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com

Tabitha said...

I have Paypal and I really don't want to sign up for anything else right now...sorry. Not even for $25:(

Sign me up for the Amazon card though - I would definitely use that:)


Ronnica said...

Honestly, I don't even use paypal. I guess I would if I bought more stuff on ebay or whatever, but I don't. I'm more of an Amazon girl. =) (Though I'm only 5'3"!)

robin said...

Sorry, I've never bought anything online unless I use my credit card, so no need to sign up for this, but thanks for letting me know about it. However, I would love to win your gift card, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am already on RME, it's great huh? Except one time I didn't get my $10 referral money...stinkers. Anyhoo...sign me up for the giveaway! Thanks!

Suzanne said...

Count me in!

M.E. said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm going to check out that site, too.

Liviania said...

I would love to win the Amazon giftcard, but I'm not signing up for Revolution. (Don't worry, I don't have Paypal either.) I do need to keep a large amount of money in my checking account, so I'm not going to make it available to hackers.

Jenna said...

I can't find my paypal login information... I'm afraid it would be the same with Revolution.

Heather said...

I'll sign up! I wont pass up on the $25 in free money! Thanks!

Gina said...

Enter me for the amazon card :D

I won't take the $25 tho, I already have an account there did it a few months ago ;)

The Chatty Housewife said...

I don't have a paypal account and have never needed one so I can't see that I would need this other one. I guess I might in the future. I am going to miss out on the $25! Thank you so much for the great giveaway, I would love to win! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Julie said...

i didn't want to give out my ssn.

thanks though!

Unknown said...

I signed up for RME months ago(signed up, then referred my husband, transfered all the money over, and then into our bank, free $60!).

I would love to win the amazon GC!

wiredalive at hotmail dot com

janetfaye said...

Thanks for the contest!

I am already signed up for RME

Bunny B said...

I'd love to sign up and get the $25, but I think international users aren't allowed to receive that money. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help :(

But I'd love to win your GC, if I may. Thanks!

Katie said...

I already clicked on it because I can always use money. Thank katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com

Re said...

What a great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

i agree with others, not trying to give my ssn!

LadyVampire2u said...

If I sign up I'll definitely do a little paying back to you for the reccomendation but for now I am content with how things are for me financially. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway and good luck to one and all.

Snowbird said...

I just wanted to let you know that you won over on my Bloggy Giveaway. Email me with your snailmail address.

Anonymous said...

fingers crossed!
Stephanie V.

Anonymous said...

Well, I signed up a few weeks ago, sorry.

peggie dot loden at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love the extra $25 cash, but as a rule I don't give my bank account info out online. Would love the amazon card though! :)

Richelle said...

Count me in, please!

Ginny said...

I signed up with them a few weeks ago & got my money very quickly!

sweetsue said...

Sorry, I just finally got a Paypal account and still haven't figured it out yet. My litte brain can only handle one thing at a time.

Elizabeth F. said...

I have already signed up for RME, but if I hadn't I would sign up for you! This is a great idea!! You are seriously soo smart. Hey! Enter me for your give-away though.
The Whole Family Blog

Krissie said...

I, too, guess I will pass. I have had Paypal for years and absolutely love it. I remember they had promos like this in the beginning too. I haven't seen anyplace so far that accepts this one. Good luck!

Rachel R. said...

Trying again to post a comment. (Third time's the charm, right? :) )

The RME didn't work for me, either. It said it couldn't verify my information, and an email to support yielded no reply. :(

Sarah said...

I almost did it, but decided not to since it's likely something I won't use. Sorry!

Momof4 said...

Hey, thanks for the tip on Revolution Money Exchange! I need to Google it to check it out and then I'll sign up through your link so that you get the credit.

I'd love the chance to win the gift card as well. Thanks again! :-)

Momof4 said...

Ack, now I'm not sure about Revolution Money Exchange. When I googled it, some blogger said it didn't require SSN to sign up, but it does. I don't know if I want to give that out. Everything I've read says that it's unnecessary to give out for accounts and you can usually request an account number, but there's no human to ask about that.

Does anyone know whether PayPal requires SSN? Should that make me worry about Revolution Money Exchange? I signed up for PayPal so long ago that they didn't ask for SSN at the time. Security measures got a lot stricter on there as time went by.

Jinxy and Me said...

I don't really want to give out my personal info for the account, but would still love to win your giveaway!

Liz said...

I have already signed up for this but didn't cash out my money and when I got back on a month later, it shows no money!! I have no idea what happened! Please sign me up for your gift card giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I tried to sign up, but it isn't open to Canada :(, sorry! Hope I can still enter though for the g.c.

Jennifer said...

I already have an account with them. But I would love to enter your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Have too many accounts already but I wouldn't mind $20 Amazon for books.


Erin said...

Well who doesn't love free money and a chance for a gift certificate??

Anonymous said...

It sounds good and I may want to sign up but I need to talk with my husband first.

Melissa said...

I'd gladly sign up for $25, but I've already done so, so I don't think they're going to give it to me again.

I wouldn't mind if you wanted to give me the gift card though!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna pass the $25-sorry (don't like signing up for that kind of stuff..)
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Genevieve P said...

I'll not probably do the $25--I'm wary of things like that--but I'd like the gift card!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to sign up because I read somewhere else they have a fishy privacy policy. However, I trust Amazon!

Becky N. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I did sign up - but a couple days ago. Sorry I can't help you get extra money for referrals!

Be Thou Exalted said...

Joining in at the last minute!

Mozi Esme said...

Thanks for waiting for me - I'd love to win!

Hélène said...

If I hadn't already signed up for RME I would under you. Please enter me for the GC.

Tammy said...

I didn't sign up because I really don't understand how it works. I don't do paypal either. Thanks for the contest.

Michelle B said...

I may sign up later, but I'm always very hesitant when it comes to giving out my bank information. It could be totally legit, I just like to check it all out very thoroughly beforehand!

Hootyboosmom said...

I'm going to go with the tide and say, thank you - but no, thank you. I have a paypal acct., and honestly, I can't remember the last time I used it. Plus, I really don't like giving out my ss# and I really don't need one more place having all of my banking info. I have found that if it sounds too good to be usually is. I do hope it works for you. Thank you for the offer.

Muddy said...

Im sort of with everyone else. I am uncomfortable giving my info out one more place (esp my SS# online), especially when I already have paypal and that works for me in most situations. Thank you for asking, though and good luck to you. I would be interested in signing up for your contest to win the amazon prize though.

Anonymous said...

Why I am not going to click your link:

I'VE ALREADY SIGNED UP. :-) And I've made $75, with my $25 and 5 referrals! I'm sure you're going to make more. And I'm a bit jealous I didn't think up this idea [for a bloggy giveaway] myself.

I hope your ingenuity pays off and you get your $500!

BlaqueButterfly said...

I would LOVE to apply in referral to you but I already have an account. Im sorry hun. But I can back you on the legitness of the offer. I have referred quite a few people also and we have had no problems. The only bad thing I can say about it is that because they are so new, you will have a hard time finding a merchant right now. Oh and the free $25 ends on May 15th.

But I'm game for your other give away though.

Caitlin @ Clutter Cubed said...

I'd love to enter your contest! Thanks for the chance to win!

I won't click the link or sign up because I just don't see a point to that site. I can already do an email bank transfer to anyone for free... why would I want to sign up for a service that does it (and make the recipient have to sign up as well) that seems to do essentially the same thing? Interesting idea, though, just not practical enough for me. ^_~

gpc said...

I'm from the 'if it seems too good to be true, it probably is' generation. Also, since I played bloggy carnival last time I have gotten 100s of spam emails . . . so I am passing on the free money for now. (I am usually the last to the party but I'll catch up.) Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm interested in the $25 free, what all do I have to do? Also your welcome for the $10 referral! Hope you do well!

nicki72182 said...

I would love to be entered in the giveaway. But I'm not going to sign up for the free $25. I don't even have a Paypal account...I just don't like to give my info to a company I know nothing about. Sorry. I hope you get lots of other referrals though. Thanks for the giveaway.

engelsigh said...

I signed up for the $25 but it's giving me problems and when I call the company number I was put on hold. I've now been holding 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the gift card. :) Thanks for the cool giveaway!!

Ilissa said...

I'd love to win the $20 amazon giftcard. There are many books i'd love to purchase right now. Thank you for the chance.

Karen said...

Well, I have already signed up with them and gotten my $25, so I an verify it is legit. Who can't use $20 to Amazon? They are amazing:)

kpuleski @ gmail dot com

Shannon said...

I hate having to give out my ssn online...even if it is secured. I'll have to check with dh about it first...and he's not here at the moment.

If I do it, I'll definitely use you as my referral :)

Kacy said...

Great way to advertise the Rev. Money Exchange! I already signed up, but please include me in the drawing for the giftcard. Thanks!

engelsigh said...

I'm still hoping to get through - especially since my friends and I are trying to open an etsy business

Jessica said...

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Taryn said...

Ditto on the SS# over the internet.

Unknown said...

I've been signed up for a while now.

Anonymous said...

The Amazon giveaway is great. I'm going to have to pass on the $25 also because of the SS#. I had my identity stolen once by clicking a link supposed to be eBay updating records. I gave my social and it cost me several thousand dollars.

Fedora said...

Thanks for the info--I'm going to pass this time because we've signed up for a bunch of things recently and I'm having trouble keeping track, honestly ;p Or maybe I'm just losing my marbles...

Thanks for the contest, and best wishes to you and your family!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Natalie said...

THANKS FOR THE INFO! dont know if ill use it..

Sassyfrazz said...

I am a bit skeptical of a new company, even if it is "like" paypal. I don't like the idea of giving out my SS# to something I am unfamiliar with...even with the credidations.
Terry and I are still considering...
I would love to win the Amazon card!

Bebemiqui said...

I'd like try it once it becomes more widely known. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I will check it out! thnaks for the info :)

Amy L said...

I will have to pass on the "free" money. I would like to be included in the Amazon giveaway, please. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the contest!

jennifer57 said...

would like to enter your giveaway. will pass on the money exchange place. As a victim of identity fraud just a few months ago, i'm even more cautious then ever before.

masonsgranny59 said...

ty 4 the nice contest!

Denise said...

I tried to sign up through your link even and I kept getting an error message. Now I'm a little nervous....Thanks!

Unknown said...

Am I to late?? I didn't realize that I hadn't entered this one. If I'm not to late, please enter me!


Anonymous said...

Am I to late?? I didn't realize that I hadn't entered this one. If I'm not to late, please enter me!
