Our 7 Qtpies

January 22, 2009


Do you know that feeling you get when you look at a new baby? Especially your own new baby. I get all mushy inside, filled with love and wonder. 
Is there a more beautiful creation than a child? Their soft, smooth skin begs to be stroked. Their sweet baby smell begs to be sniffed. Their little fingers and toes bring amazement and wonder to my heart. Watching them grow and learn and squeal in joy is so much fun, even on the worst of days. 

And then they turn 2. 

God made them so cute so you don't hurt them. It is an ingenious design, if you ask me. Because having a 2 year old in the house is worse than a teenager. In some ways, at least, lol. Two year olds destroy in the act of learning and being curious. 

My walls will never be clean or drawing free until I no longer have little ones in the house. I gave up on painting over their drawings. They just draw again anyway. Curtains? Are you kidding me? Why haven't they invented more sturdy curtain rods than thin aluminum ones? Hello! They bend when the kids hang off of the curtains! Bend them back and they break. 
We have been sweeping up food for days on end now. Someone, ahem, keeps leaving the chain off  the pantry. Today, the dog food was coated nicely with Shake'N Bake. 

Yep, they are made so cute to protect their lives. 

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Grandma J said...

Yes, I've always had that same theory about 2 year olds. Think about it, have you ever seen an ugly two year old? There's a very good reason for that. You have to admit that they can be very entertaining at times too.

Lisa said...

LOL, I have a closet style pantry, I had the door knob changed to a lock stlye because Savannah was FOREVER pulling things out and dumping and driving me insane, so she is always telling me "mommy panny locked" hey it helps me not eat all day too since I am always miss placing the keys LOL

purple6 said...

Sam was either cooking you or the dog dinner. I guess you're teaching him young how to cook! Maybe if the lock was off the freezer, he may have put the Shake 'N Bake on some chicken, LOL!

Joyful Noise said...

Or he would have put the shake n' bake on the bloodworms...

How come teenagers aren't cute then???

Mrs. Stam said...

LOL so true!!!