Our 7 Qtpies

January 06, 2009

Do I dare make another poll?

I do, I do. 

So, Donnie and I are sitting at the boys' swim meet. Me in my awesome new stadium chair so that my butt doesn't get sore and my back is at least less sore. Donnie on the bleachers in pain. 

Oh, wait, that has nothing to do with my story or poll. 

We were sitting there talking about how we would never have thought that Cody and Devon would share a major interest or sport. Now they are on the same team. They are both swimmers. It is pretty cool, and it cuts down on the amount of sports we are forced to sit through get to go to. 

It suddenly occurs to me that here we sit, with our very strict Christian beliefs in modesty, watching our two sons in the most naked legitimate sport there is. Well, Donnie thinks that Sumo Wrestling is more naked than swimming. Well, technically, you may be able to see their back cheeks, but they are wearing more fabric than the swimmers, especially the divers in their skimpy Speedos. Donnie thinks that if you measured out material verses how much actual skin is showing, that even then Sumo Wrestlers would win as the most naked legitimate sport for guys. For girls it is probably beach volleyball. 

So, what do you think? Is Sumo Wrestling or Swimming the most naked legitimate sport? 

10 people think my kids are qtpies:

Joyful Noise said...

Looking at the size of the person to the size of the fabric I would say they are probably the same amount of nakedness. It just looks like more because the SW is that much bigger. If you were to take the Sumo Wrestlers garb and put it on the skinny little swimmer than yes you will have a lot more fabric.

purple6 said...

So...I'm thinking I'm going to have to say that swimmers wear less. I actually got on line and looked at both sports because I am getting "old" (I'm quoting you Lisa, LOL!) and sometimes my memory fails me. It was a hard decision. My vote went to the swimmers. Even though the wrestlers have less covering their backside, the front seems to go up higher. I did see a picture of a tiny, skinny man wearing the wrestling attire and my vote still leans more toward Speedo briefs. Sorry Donnie, it was a nice try ;)

Grandma J said...

I was going to say pretty much what Jody said, but she beat me to it. I understand why the swimmers where less, (something about aerodynamics), but I DON'T understand why the Sumo Wrestlers need to moon everyone. That's just gross. And don't even get me started on the women's beach volleyball...why in the world do they need to wear bikinis to play that sport??? The men's beach volleyball players wear big ol' surfer trunks, and seem to be able to play just as well, as far as I know.

yofed said...

Swimming definitely... the sumo "outfit" is not form fitting, unlike the swimsuit. A swimsuit leaves very little to the imagination!!!

Lisa said...

Ouch my EYES...its too early in the morning to think about near Neked's
But I do have to admit the thought of near Neked tubby men groping each other is gross to me..

Unknown said...

I'm not going to weigh in on the nakedness factor because the Sumo Wrestling outfits are so terribly EYE BURNING that for me, there is nothing that even comes close. Everytime I see them, I wonder if I am going to lose my eyesight.

Qtpies7 said...

I'm pretty surprised that swimmers is winning in the poll after reading the comments. Not that I am complaining, because that means I will win over Donnie.

purple6 said...

Hey Lisa!
I thought this was kind of funny so I had to get my husband in on it. I read him your blog and I asked him his opinion. He laughed and said he thought swimmers wear less!

Anonymous said...


Sassyfrazz said...

I would say Sumo Wrestlers wear less, and they hug and wrestle each other, which is beyond gross in itself. Swimmers have a purpose, and it is good exercise. Being a swimmer myself, you don't want a bunch of material to slow you down. Funny poll, though. :)