Our 7 Qtpies

January 27, 2009

How Bible Study REALLY Goes For Me

This has nothing to do with the She said/He Heard game I like to play, so keep your minds out of the gutter, peeps. 

Because I was sick this weekend I was able to spend a lot of time laying on the couch catching up on my Esther Bible study. Hours and hours of study time. 

Sam somehow found a little stub of a pencil (at least one of my kids purposely sharpens pencils down to stubs for comfort, ugh) somewhere and since I was writing in my workbook, he thought he should join me. Just in the margins, like I was doing. 

But I wasn't happy about it.

Sam! Don't write in my book! 

He waits............. then writes in my book when I look at my Bible.

Sam! Stop writing in my book!

He waits........... then when I write in it, he helps me write in it.

Sam! Stop it! (and I thunk him on the hand with my pen)

Sam says "Fine!"

Then he writes in my book. 

Sam! Don't write in my book! (another thunk)

"Fine!" He waits a bit....... then does it again.

So, I swatted his hand with my book. (not hard)

"All Right!" And he walks away stomping his little feet.

He can't tell me he is hungry, or needs a diaper change, but he knows "Fine" and "All right" and uses them correctly with the right tone. 
Do you think we have teenagers? 

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Hanging Off The Wire said...

Hee hee, that is cute and funny to me, but probably wasn't at the time! :)

Grandma J said...

You know what happens when you mix Toddlers with Teens, don't you?

You end up with T and T! LOL!


Michelle said...

Are you doing the Beth Moore Esther study? I just started it! I am loving it.

Michelle said...

I wanted to say that my two year old can use teenage terminology amazingly well. He can even roll his eyes.