Our 7 Qtpies

January 21, 2009

Let's play a little game that I like to call...

She Said, He Heard

What she said:
We should get up at six and do our Bible study.

What he heard:
We should get up, have sex and do our Bible study.

9 people think my kids are qtpies:

Amanda said...

That is too funny! My dh is just like that!

Mrs. Stam said...

LOL or you could get up at 6 have sex and then do bible study that will be a way to make sure he's awake for BS

Grandma J said...

So...the next time the kids yell through the bedroom door for the two of you, are you going to say to them, "Leave us alone, we're having bible study"?

Thanks for sharing.

Lisa said...

MY Eyes, my eyes..............they are burning.................LOL men

michelle said...

That is absolutely hilarious. I bet it was good motivation to get up and do Bible study though.

Qtpies7 said...

Donnie actually thought I said that, lol. He was all like "WHAT did you say?" I thought he was just being dramatic about getting up at 6am, lol. He actually thought I said I wanted to have sex every morning before Bible Study, lol.
He knew that was out of character, so he did at least clarify, rather than trying to make my dreams come true, hehe.

byoc said...

TMI for a mother to hear

CamsShel said...

mine wanted to know if we had to get up first 8-]

purple6 said...

Hahaha! That's too funny! Sounds like something my husband would hear! But that is coming from a man that thinks I look sexy in my pajamas after a long 12 hour day at work, on my feet all day! He must be deprived, LOL! Although, sex is on a guys mind 24/7!