Our 7 Qtpies

February 08, 2009

The Week Of Love Kick Off! Love and Respect

To kick off The Week of Love on my blog I am going to repost what I wrote last year about the single best book for marriage ever written outside of the Bible. This is not a review book, I bought this book a couple of years ago and I have gone to a conference on it. Boy, the conference was HARD! There was a night that I wasn't even speaking to Donnie, and I was glad to have a couch in the hotel room! But in the end, it was amazing, and I think every couple needs this book above all others.

This is the single most effective marriage book ever! It is probably the only book men will enjoy reading to improve their marriage.
Its about giving the love she desperately needs, and giving the respect that he desperately needs. Its a cycle, without love, she acts without respect, without respect, he reacts without love, and on and on it goes. But if you go out of your way to show respect, not love, to your husband, he will MELT with love for you over time. Really! When I tell my husband how much I appreciate his strength and ability to move things I can't move, and how much I admire him for going to work every day if he feels like it or not just to be able to keep me at home with the kids, his chest just puffs right up! And in turn I get lots of love from him, doing those things I hate to do and repairs around the house, and more sweet foot rubs and on and on it goes.
Emerson Eggerichs explains how we hear and see in pink, and men hear and see in blue. I won't ruin his further explanation of that, because it is one of "Oh, wow!" reaction!
I lend my book out all the time. I buy this book for people. I recommend this book and conferences to everyone.
One of my favorite things he says is "My response is my responsibility. Sarah doesn't CAUSE me to be this way, she REVEALS the way I am."
You can see many clips from his conferences on his website This book is worth way more than the cost.
Two years ago for V-day I bought a heart box of candy, and I took out all the candy, and I even ate lots of it, haha. I cut out a colored paper heart for each candy spot and wrote 3 categories on them: things I love about him, things I respect about him, and some coupons for free time on the the computer without nagging, etc. I rolled them up and tied with ribbon and put in the candy slots. Almost a year later he still had some of them! He loved it! And the kids and I enjoyed the candy, lol.
Show your husband respect every day from now until V-day, and watch him melt with love for you!

If you do nothing else for your marriage this week, spend $16 and get Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emerson Eggerichs from It will change you.

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