Our 7 Qtpies

March 17, 2009

Partners in crime?

Today I walked into the kitchen, apparently pretty quietly. I found the garbage can tipped over with half a dog sticking out of it. Next to the garbage can I found Sam squatting down with a package of hotdogs from the fridge.
I went for the dog first, as he was closest, and gave him a little kick in the rear. He backed out, looked at me and turned tail and booked it out the other side of the kitchen.
Sam looked up and saw the dog running and he saw me, dropped the wieners and high-tailed it after the dog.

Did he think I was gonna kick him, too? LOL

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Carina said...

Admit it you were tempted to give him just a tap... =)

Lisa said...

LOL you thought about giving him a bootie bump....LOL That is way too funny this morning.

Qtpies7 said...

LOL I probably would have yelled at him, but he high tailed it before I even got to him. And it was just too funny, both of them with their eyes wide open and busted in their mess, then bolting like a couple of crooks!

I just laughed and cleaned up the mess.

Sassyfrazz said...

That is so comical! Hard knowing what was going threw his mind! I bet you bust a gut laughing, though!