Our 7 Qtpies

May 01, 2010

AAAAAA!!! My eyes!!!!

Last night Kaytlin had a guitar and choir ensemble for her college classes. It was nice, mostly enjoyable, and I will blog about that with pics and video later, but right now, I just have to blog about the horror that I/we experienced.

We found a seat in the back section because we couldn't see 4 seats together in the front, though, apparently there were some in the front row. People were coming and going the whole time, I am guessing some people were just there for the guitar part at the beginning or other instruments, and others just came a little later for the choir part. (they are not the same classes)

About the end of the flute duet a lady sat in front of me. She seemed to have some trouble with her clothing. Her pants were way too low rise and her shirts, yes, two shirts, were way too high rise. Not a good combination for anyone. But there was a hole in the back of the chairs that just happened to be situated above the pants line and below the shirt line. So all we say was her fuchsia lace thong underwear. And guess how we knew it was a thong? Yeah, we could see skin above and below the 2 1/2 wide lace. It was a LOT of skin showing. How do you not notice that? Don't you get a draft? It wasn't exactly warm in there.

I have Peter on one side of me and Donnie on the other and all I can think about is how I can protect their eyes! Not that mine were not burning! I do not ever want to see any woman's undies while she is wearing them! Seriously, she kept wiggling around in her seat and her panties were flashing at me over and over driving me insane!

Donnie and Peter, well trained in compartmentalizing, I guess, put their eyes on Kaytlin and were able to tune out the show in front of me. But I couldn't. I just kept wondering what I should do. Should I tell her? Should we move? Then people behind us would get a show. How mortifying for this gal!
Finally, I remembered that I had a jacket with me, which was on the other side of Donnie. So between songs I asked Donnie to hand it to me. I ever so delicately put it over the back of her chair and blocked out the vision. Donnie and Pete both started chuckling and thanked me, and Donnie even kissed my cheek.

Me? Couldn't get the image out of my head. It is burned into my eyeballs. If we know you are wearing a fuchsia lace thong, and that it IS a thong, you need to buy longer clothes, honey.
How do you tell someone they are having that issue? Should you tell them?

7 people think my kids are qtpies:

Carina said...

Love the jacket! You're awesome!

Don't know how you could solve your dilemma, though. Maybe she thought it was attractive!

Jackie said...

Do you honestly believe that she didn't know? She might not be aware of how provocative the display was or how inappropriate, but she had to have known that she was showing something. Women buy thongs for the purpose of looking sexy.

Way to go with the cover-up! And how sweet the reactions to your protection! Way to go!

Mrs. Stam said...

I hate when that happen! Some people are clueless and should be told in some way?!!! Don't ask me how LOL

Crystal said...

Oh, home girl KNEW what was going on.

Lisa said...

Yike's at least she had undies on! I have seen way too many "Crack attacks" from the many young militarys wives here. I get embarrased for them.

Joyful Noise said...

We were at a wedding once and saw something similar - spoiled the supper at the wedding. They have to know! It is disgusting!!!

Sassyfrazz said...

That is great that you covered the chair. I do think that letting people know of these things may help them out, but it is hard to confront people. So many times I want to let girls and/or women know that they are purposefully dressing in ways that are not appropriate, and they are being stumbling blocks for husbands all over.
Thanks for your efforts. Sorry you had those images. :)~