Our 7 Qtpies

December 10, 2010

The Mend Mark

I got a little email announcement about a bracelet and the company that makes it. It is called the Mend Mark. In it's simplicity it is a rubber bracelet, brown even, with two large dots. The dots go on the top and bottom of your wrists. One says Love and one says Remember. The are simple, but different enough that someone will have to ask what it means. Then you get to share.... Those dots are representative of the scars Jesus bears from being hung on the cross because of His great love for us, and we wear it to remember what His love prompted him to do for us.
The Mend Mark is a mission, a movement, an entire revolution. It is a bracelet meant to remind its wearers of Christ’s love and sacrifice, and its message is the passion of its creator, Hunter Harrison. His mission is to remind believers to remember Christ's love in life and death, but also inspire the wearers to a life of service.

Harrison strives to bring people together around the simplicity and power of love as lived by Jesus. But this is no example of passive love. The Mend Mark calls individuals in all walks of life to love with a profound sincerity and commitment great enough to change a neighborhood, a community, a world.

Harrison leads this call to love and sacrifice by example and joins hands with each Mend Mark bracelet purchaser to take the first step in global change. A portion of each bracelet sold goes to support Living Water International, an organization combating the clean water crisis victimizing over one billion people worldwide. Each $5,000 given will result in one well drilled, providing a community with clean water.

I love this bracelets simple, but profound, design. I would ask someone what the circles stand for. I am looking forward to purchasing several of these so that our family will all be wearing them.

I will be receiving a sample for my views on this product. However, these are my honest opinions, I was not paid for my opinions.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

Now that is a great idea.