Our 7 Qtpies

July 13, 2007

Random things said around here lately

Kaytlin was driving along when she turned to me and said "If the police arrest someone who has no hands, do they use handcuffs?" Out of the blue! We hadn't seen a police car or anyone with no hands.

When we were waiting on the police to write our accident report, coincidentally 10 minutes after Kaytlin had asked that question, we were all switched places in the car amusing ourselves. I decided to nurse Sam so we could get the next 1 1/2 hours of driving straight through. My niece, Morgan, turns around from the driver's seat and sees me and says "THAT'S how he EATS?" "Morgan, you've been at our house for a WEEK and you just now figured that out?"

Same trip, must have been a record funny trip, lol. We drive by a skunk smell and I say "Morgan! Did you have to fart?" and she says "Trinity and Sam are asleep, so they didn't do it." Hmm, we don't fart in our sleep? I need to tell Donnie that one, because he does it all the time.

We finally got Morgan home, hung around talking for awhile, then had to leave. We load up the car and I start it up. Trinity starts to yell at me "Don't leave Morgan at that house! Don't leave her at that house!!!" LOL They fought the whole week.

Yesterday Trinity was on a roll. She wanted to go for a walk so bad. Sam was just a royal grump because he is teething, and walks always distract him and put him to sleep. So I bribed Hope-Anne to take them for a walk by sending them to the Dairy Queen. We told Trinity to change into a short sleeve shirt, because a turtle neck in July is just not good. She changed. Then I told her to go get her hair brushed. "I hate brushing my hair, I don't wanna!" "Then you can't go to Dairy Queen." "I LOVE brushing my hair!" Crying to happy in .0003 seconds.

Then, last night she walks up to me and looks me in the eye and says "I don't wanna drink outta your boobies, I hafta drink outta the fridge." (she has not nursed since she was 9 months old, she doesn't even remember it.)

Then there is Devon. The king of avoiding work. Usually when we are working on something, he disappears. So we made up a song for him years ago, and it still fits him. The Scooby Doo theme song "Devy, Devy Doo, Where are you? We've got some work to do now." We reminded him it was his night to cook, he went down to the kitchen and soon came back up and sat on the couch. This went on a couple of times, arguing about making burgers, the pan wasn't clean, etc. Then finally, in one last attempt to get out of it he says "But there's this car, and it runs on WATER, man!" It was so funny! "Go cook!" "But it runs on WATER, WATER, man!" "Now!" "Dude, WATER." He then went and cooked us burgers.

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Jackie said...

I love these stories! Thanks for sharing!

JAM said...

Just think, Bill Cosby and Art Linkletter made squillions of dollars on the stuff you're just giving away free here on your blog. Kids definitely say the darndest things.

Anonymous said...

So cute. I like the handcuffs comment.

Mrs. Stam said...

Ha ha ha, Love it, so cute and funny! No hand and cuff ha ha ha !