Our 7 Qtpies

September 13, 2007

What's this?

I found this at the gas station this morning. Mmm, pretty good stuff. Not the best ever, but not bad.

10 people think my kids are qtpies:

BlondeBlogger said...

Oooh, that sounds like it would be good! I remember reading that peanut butter and banana sandwiches (fried) were Elivs' favorite.

Unknown said...

I don't like peanut butter but this sounds really good. If I ever see it, I will buy it in a second!

Janean said...

YAH! I got one of these the other day accident. THought it was just a plain one.
I agree. NOt too bad, but not the best either.
Been awhile since I've stopped in. I love your new look and the picture ROCKS!

Jackie said...

Ewww! For some reason, that looks kind of gross to me. However, I do love a real banana and peanut butter, so probably if you FORCED me to eat one, I would. : )

Rebecca said...

I'd buy it just because it's cool. And well, chocolate never goes to waste around here! ;-)

Mrs. Stam said...

that could be yummy!

Anonymous said...

Wha'say, Sugar? Pass me another peanut butter chocolate ditty. I've had them too, btw. Okay. Not a hunka hunka burnin' love okay, but okay.

Btw, did you really see Willie Nelson grilling a tarantula? Wow! I'm thinking he needs to live in the camper house that I posted on my blog for Wordless Wednesday this past week. It would suit him mighty fine.
p.s. roasted tarantula *is* a delicacy somewhere in the world, says Animal Planet. But I didn't realize it had caught on here in America, lol.

Sassyfrazz said...

I love reese's, but with banana creme? I am not big on cream filled donuts, is the filling creamy? Or does it just taste like Peanut Butter and Banana?

Qtpies7 said...

Toni, I really DID see Willie Nelson grilling a tarantula! He came camping in his teepee the night before we left. Someone found a tarantula a bit before we packed up and left and he put it on the grill right before we left. So I did not see him eat it, I don't have a clue if he did or not.

Sarah, it is not creamy at all. It is barely banana or peanut butter. it is just. Just. Maybe you can taste some peanut butter, and a slight aftertaste of banana, but neither is a huge taste. It just "is."

Anonymous said...

I love PB and Banana but don't think I'd like this. I don't like that creme stuff in the Reese's. ICK!