Our 7 Qtpies

December 07, 2007

A favor for my crazy day!

I really don't have much time to blog yesterday and today, as I am babysitting 2yo twins, along with my own kids. And lets just say that cold medicine does not calm them down. I wanted to cry by the time they left yesterday. And I'm pretty close now at only 10:30am. Four kids 4 and under is quite trying on the nerves some days!
And on top of it I am thinking we "may" have chicken pox coming on. Sam has two blisters on his ankle, but they aren't spreading after 2 days. But Trinity is breaking out in a rash on her belly this morning! So far we've had a couple of false alarms over chicken pox. I wish we could just get it already!

Now for the favor. I have to run and see why my house go suddenly quiet...........

Yep, into trouble again.

Ok, the favor...

I have switched to a new domain! You can still reach me through but I would love it if you would switch your links to for me, so I can get some page rank on this new blog addy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
And don't forget about my Jump Start World Software- Review and Giveaway!

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