Our 7 Qtpies

February 21, 2008

Sam is a maniac!

I went to put him down for a nap today and I saw a new side to Sam. He flipped out! Not just screaming, crying, fighting, he went all out NUTS.

He was doing this gutteral groany scream like thing that freaked me out! For 45 minutes! I held him in my arms, which was not easy, but the turd was a fighter! He started reaching out and pulling my hair with this evil look in his eyes.

After 5 minutes I would offer him a drink, and his eyes would go to normal and guzzle and then he'd throw the cup on me or dump it on me, and start his gutteral freaky voice again.

One might think it would be good to just let him get up at that point. But no, I don't lose battles. He is now napping peacefully and will wake up a nice person again.

I hope I don't see that side of him again.

Have you ever found a scarey creature living in your child before?

6 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

My younger one gets like that, too. Nothing I do helps and she gets all wild and crazy. It's kind of scary!

Thanks for stopping by and for commenting!

Anonymous said...

It was the eclipse of the full out...

Susan said...

I find those scary creatures in my children quit often. I am the same way though and I don't back down and those creatures seem to eventually leave and only come back once in a great while.

Qtpies7 said...

Wow! Three people read my blog! Nice to know not everyone lurks, hehe. And it is nice to know that I am not alone.

Carina said...

Four people.

I, too, have encountered the beast. I hear he comes back in the teen years. True?

Qtpies7 said...

Oh, the teen monster is a whole other creature. To be much feared. Cannot be tamed as easily.
But, you can get revenge on the teen monster with little guilt through teasing and embarassment. Feels good.