Our 7 Qtpies

May 07, 2008

It's a Golden Day when Tony visits for Breakfast!

Kellogg's, my new bff, sent me a box of their new Frosted Flakes Gold cereal to try. As a mom of 7, I was a little frighted of the claims on the front of the box. You see that little ad below the word "Gold?" The line in all caps? LONG-LASTING ENERGY? Yep, that frightened me a bit.
But then I got smart and fed it to them before they left for school, you know, so they can be someone else's problem if it blew up in our faces or something terrible like that.
However, it did not turn them into raging, energetic lunatics.

Actually, Frosted Flakes Gold is made of whole grain and baked with honey. The whole grains deliver long- lasting energy from the complex carbohydrates that take longer to break down helping to prolong energy in the body. In the nutritional arena, it provides 10 grams of whole grain and three grams of fiber in each serving, making it an excellent choice for breakfast for your family. The honey adds a delicate sweetness that you and your kids will love.
To encourage kids to eat right, be more active and to work hard to achieve their goals, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes® created the Earn Your Stripes™ program. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Gold™, in partnership with the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), Little League® International and Girls on the Run International, created the Five Golden Rules of Sportsmanship to give coaches and parents the tools they need to help kids succeed on and off the field. The Five Golden Rules advocate being a winner no matter what the scoreboard says, treating coaches, officials and opponents with respect, being a good teammate.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

Great review! Sounds yummy!

How are you feeling??