Our 7 Qtpies

January 22, 2009

Parent Appreciation Night

It was that time of year where the boys give us flowers for bringing them to swim practice and picking them up in the middle of the night after swim meets. 
Apparently my name sounds an awful lot like "Tanya" to the coach, but I don't care, I can live with that, lol. My neighbor of 3+ years still calls me Kris every time he sees me. I don't bother correcting him now and it is kind of funny. 
Here is a pic of me and my swimmer dudes. 
Something strange was going on when we arrived at the meet. Devon was sitting on the floor with some guys very intently doing something on Devon's back. Two years ago we saw Devon picking zits on another swimmer's back, so we thought that was what was going on. 
I am a Creationist, but I tell you, these boys make me wonder about the monkey theory with all their grooming of each other. 
But we soon found out that it was much more embarrassing than having the guys pick his zits. 
Devon, and Devon alone, swam the whole meet like this: 

Makes a mother proud.

8 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

Oh my word, the ZIT thing made my tummy roll and my skin crawl...I tell hubby I love him to the moon and back but not enough to "pop" a zit on him......
My dad made us "Mash" his bumps on his back when we were young kids, and that ruined me for life....

Cheryl Pitt said...

That's funny. I always think toddlers are hilarious but every so often a teenager wil do something really funny (instead f profoundly stupid-haha) that will make you laugh till your sides split!

You look great by the way, your weight loss is showing on camera!

Grandma J said...

I'm sure the tiger stripes made him easier to pick out in the pool, right? By the way, Jess and I decided that popping each other's zits was much more GROSS than having stripes painted on your back...but hopefully, he doesn't decide to make them permanent with tattoos someday.

byoc said...

So - how did our tigers do in the meet?

Joyful Noise said...

You're right - only Devon...I think it is kinda cool though. At least it can be covered with clothing. :)

Qtpies7 said...

Cody didn't get to swim because of some homework problem. But Devon stunk most of the meet. He's been sick and not able to practice. But his team took 2nd on the last relay he did.

Sassyfrazz said...

That rocks!! I love when the swimmers get creative! I bet it help him swim even faster! LOVE IT!

Popping each other's zits, seriously?? That is totally nasty!

Sorry that Devon's been sick. Good there team did well, though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, your blog is cool. Wow 7 kids, that is great. I have not been on any birth control and have had 4 misscariages and two great kids 10,3 and a step daughter 14. God only knows why and best. Well, I ordered it. I am going to be "hot" at that renunion.