Our 7 Qtpies

March 22, 2009

Cloth diapers are not just for crunchy parents

With the development of disposable diapers, the use of cloth became something crunchy, or hippie, parents did. But cloth diapers have undergone a design makeover to become easy, economical, environmentally friendly and adorable. Cloth diapers are now modern and trendy!

There are several reasons that parents are choosing to use cloth instead of disposable diapers now, however, there tend to be two reasons that top all others in making the switch to cloth.

1. Disposable are bad for the environment: 18 billion diapers are thrown away each year, taking up to 500 years a diaper to break down, and using 3.5 billion gallons of oil to produce. In addition, disposables use so many trees, tons of water and are made with chemicals that are carcinogenic.

2. Cloth diapers are less expensive: Disposable diapers can cost about 25 cents a diaper, multiplied by 3 years of diaper wearing. That is a lot of money. Cloth diapers are a bigger initial investment, but a frugal parent can buy cloth for one child for under $150 for the entire diapering years, and then use them for another child, or more, and then use them for rags. Going for ease of use, rather than completely frugal, a parent can still get cloth for under $500, and keep using it for several children, and even sell them when they are outgrown.

There are some drawbacks and fears that hold parents back from choosing cloth diapers, in spite of the monetary savings.

I am writing at the Examiner today, stop by to read more about Cloth Diapers; not just for crunchy parents.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

In Australia the average disposable is more like 45c. The pricey brands up to 75c each!
How people can afford that - oh yeah, they go back to work early to pay for them!

We practice EC with cloth diapers. Have you heard of Baby Pottying? It's the way baby hygiene was managed in the past, and also reduces diaper washing....
I think it is amazing what you manage with 7 kids. My Granny has 7 too.
