Our 7 Qtpies

May 22, 2009

So, how's the potty training coming along?

I know that is the big question you all have for me.

Well, Sam is working on it. He is mostly doing well when he is naked, which he prefers, and pees in his undies and diapers most of the time.

The other day I took him to Walmart and on the way home he started screaming and holding his arms out to me and wailing "Whhhhyyyyy????" over and over. I kept asking him is this or that hurt and he'd scream "no" at me. Finally, after a 15 minute drive with him screaming I asked if he needed his diaper changed and he nodded. Hmmm. Weird.

I got home and his diaper was dry. He was still screaming at me and arching himself. So he got down and ran to the hallway screaming at me, gives me a dirty look and starts peeing on the floor! I told him to do that in the toilet, and by the time I got to him I thought it was probably a lost cause because there was a huge amount of pee on the floor. But he peed and peed and peed and peed and peed in the toilet, too! Oh my goodness, he peed a TON! His poor bladder! He never holds it in wearing a diaper.

This morning I took his diaper off after he woke up so he would go in the toilet. After awhile he walked to the middle of the living room and was "aiming" and I told him not to pee in the living room, he needs to go in the bathroom. He said some gibberish and pointed at his slide. Then I again said he needed to pee in the potty chair and he said "Nah" and started peeing!

He did stop when I started screaming and finished up on the potty then cleaned up his pee. Hopefully that won't happen again!

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

LOL, he does sound like he has part of the concept of potty training.

How about making a game of it and putting cherrios in the potty and telling him to sink them with his pee.

Lisa said...

If he dosent understand the sinking part have daddy or one of the boys show him how to pee on the cherrios. I forgot about this when I trained the boys. They loved doing this.