Our 7 Qtpies

February 03, 2010


I have been going nuts this year with homeschool. I did not think Trinity was ready.
We were learning about the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving the week of Thanksgiving and she could NOT remember a bit of the story from reading it to her to answering questions about it. Every day we repeated the lesson, and she wouldn't have a clue who the Pilgrims were. Not a clue. I wanted to pull my hair out!

Today we were going over some phonics and she had to fill in the middle vowel, with only the choice of a,e, or i. So I pointed to a picture of a hill, and she didn't know what it was so she looked at the word under it and read "hill." Without the "i" in the word, lol. We went through the whole page, covering the pictures and seeing if she could read them, without the middle vowel, and she DID!

So, out came the reading books and she read and read and read to us.

Way to go, Trinity!

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

yofed said...

Hurray for Trinity! :D

Carina said...

Crazy how it just suddenly happens isn't it?