Our 7 Qtpies

February 25, 2010

Flying lessons

I'm taking FLYing lessons.
It is not what you think, though. I have joined FLYlady to get a grip on clutter and schedules again. My life has gotten so busy, and with the events of the last year I have just emotionally shut down my care factor for the house cleaning. (and I assure you, the kids could care less about housework)

This week on Flylady was tackling the master bedroom. Much needed, I assure you, lol. So yesterday I went through my closet to declutter, and I was ruthless! I cleaned out almost all of my clothes. I may have left 3 skirts and 5 shirts. I left two dresses because they are nursing dresses and I want to offer one to a friend and maybe ebay the other, or both if my friend doesn't want the other.

I have also been weeding out tons of clothes from everyone this last week. My dryer has been flaky for the last year and I have gotten so far behind on laundry it is beyond ridiculous to the point of sad. I went to the laundromat and spent nearly $70 washing clothes! But the good thing is that 5 LAWN bags of clothes did not come home with me that day! Everything that was stained was trashed, things we didn't wear or were too small were donated on the way home.

I am continuing with that ruthlessness with the laundry as I have tons more to wash. I think we must not ever get rid of any clothes, at least not for the last several years. But that is about to change.

Next step in my war on my house is to get the dishes figured out. I am picking up a dishwasher from freecycle tonight. That helps, but it doesn't get the whole job done. But a start is where I am heading. One baby step at a time.

I think that the fact that I am caring and working toward a solution is a huge indicator that I am coming out of the fog of pain I have been in this year. Praise God! I will be happy to be past this time in the valley of the shadow of death. I am looking forward to weddings, which means new family members! We lost members, and God is giving us more family members. When God takes away, He gives back.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Grandma J said...

I was just at her told me you'd rejoined, and I've been thinking about it, but I had no idea you blogged about it today. I hesitate to actually JOIN again, because I find her incessant nagging emails totally I may just stop by her site and get some suggestions and hints here and there. Like I said, I shined (half of) my sink I need to go finish the dishes and shine the other half. I've got to get things back in shape around here myself.

Angie Vik said...

Congratulations on a job well-done. You greatly reduced your laundry arsenal. A friend of mine this week shared that she had a laundry chute that went to the basement and the chute was full to the top. Keep up the good work.