Our 7 Qtpies

March 01, 2010

Just to amuse my mom

The night Donnie's mom passed away I lost my keys somewhere at the hospital, and they can't locate them. The bad thing is that there are only two keys to the vehicle and only ONE key to our back door, and now they are gone. I am not so good with the keys thing. So now I we have to change the lock on the back door. (Good thing I have a Schlage lock just waiting to be installed)

Donnie and I have been searching for a month to get copies of the van key made, but no one has the right key in stock. It has been very frustrating.

The other day Donnie and I were going to the local hardware store for a tool to install a dishwasher and along the way he picked a fight and it got ugly. I was ticked, to put it mildly. I had to go in with him because of a lost bank card, he needed me to pay. I went one way, he went another once we got inside.

I went to the key counter and asked if by chance they finally had my key in stock, and they did! I was thrilled and asked for 4 copies to be made.

After we got home Donnie went to try the new keys in the van while I went in the house. (still not talking to him even though he apologized) It turned out that not ONE of the keys worked. They went in the ignition and the van made beeping noises that the door was open, but it would not turn at all. Great. I needed to be at church and didn't have time to cook so I decided to run up to the store for some rotisserie chicken really quick.

I got in the van to leave and put the key in the ignition and............. it wouldn't turn. Not at all. I was SO upset. That is the ONLY key for the van, what were we going to do? I ran in the house and got a key to the car and told Donnie. (I have two sets of keys, one for the van, one for the car, because I do tend to lose things, lol, but I rarely drive the car, so I don't carry it very often)

On the way to the store I called my mom to see how she was feeling after 2 weeks of the flu and like a good mommy she noticed I was upset, so I told her about the key.

When I got home Donnie said that the bad news was that the CAR keys would never work on the van, but the good news was that we now have 4 more copies of the car key. Yep, I had made copies of the car key and not the van key.

Now before you start thinking I am totally blond I have to say that I have the same keychain on both sets of keys, so it was very easy to mix them up, and since I almost never have the car keys on me, I didn't expect them to be the car set.

When my mom called later to see how things had worked out she got a good laugh and said "You ARE your mother's daughter!" Thanks, Mom, I needed to hear that when you do stuff like this all the time. I don't want to get that bad, lol.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Joyful Noise said...

LOL - you do need to post pics so everyone can see how similar they are!

Unknown said...

Did I tell you my latest? I was walking through the dining room and noticed something under a chair, reached down to pick it up - nothing there, it was a reflection of light. I know, I need new glasses. I will keep reminding you of what you have to look forward to.
Love, Mom