Our 7 Qtpies

March 17, 2011

Stop the train!

I feel like my life somehow ended up on a train going at high speeds. The weeks literally fly by. I can't remember things anymore, even if I make plans that day, lol. It's all just going too fast.

Nothing is too bad, but it is all so much.

I am now the care taker for my father-in-law. He is doing well, but there are some issues that he needs help with. He was recently hospitalized and the hospital had a "misunderstanding" and inserted a feeding tube into his abdomen against his wishes. He doesn't use it at all. So far we haven't gotten a lawyer to take the case.

I am still homeschooling 2 different grades. Those are going OK. For some reason Trinity doesn't comprehend writing the alphabet on lines correctly, but neither did Kaytlin. She'll get it someday. I hope. At least she is reading really well!

We've had some issues with one of our kids that concerns us, and it is a constant battle to deal with things, but I know God is faithful and things will turn out fine in the long run.

We also allowed a couple to move in with us to protect his children from being abused. They have been returned to the mother for now, and the man and his fiance still live with us. It's stressful at times, but they are nice people.

Then we also are on the launch team for our new church. That used to take a TON of time, but it is much more manageable now. Still, we are working each Sunday. Good work, and it is refreshing to serve!

We are working on a peace making effort with our former church. That is very stressful. We only got involved in order to protect the congregation, but the team isn't out to discipline, so not sure why we are even doing it.

On top of all that we are planning for Kaytlin's wedding in the middle of May. It is coming FAST! Her dress is gorgeous, our photographer is a surprisingly amazing talented 13-14 year old! Things are falling into place nicely and I am excited for it.

Maybe I will even start blogging again. It has been rough. We buried Aksel in February, and that really sent my emotions reeling again. Between that, and Phillip's hospital "mishap" we have been crazy busy and emotionally drained.

I need to start getting my stuff out here on the blog again. It helps me deal. :)

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

michelle said...

I have been wondering how you have been doing. It is great to see you back at your blog for a few minutes. I am still busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Someday I will get back to blogging.
