Our 7 Qtpies

July 30, 2007

Whew, what a day already!

It is just after 2pm and I have gotten myself, Hope-Anne and Samuel out the door by 7:45, 15 minutes late to leave since I did not expect to bring Sam. And he CRIED and cried all they way to the orthodontist's office. We made good time through the morning rush hour traffic and the construction, so we went to McD's for a little breakfast so he could calm down. He wouldn't eat a thing, and he was very mean and contrary, which is very unlike him.
We went to the ortho who recommended pulling 5 of Hope-Anne's teeth and to come back in 6 months to see how things are progressing. They are sure she'll need braces, I'm holding out that she won't, after all, the dentists and Otho's were so sure Kaytlin needed them at 10, and her teeth are all perfect except the one tooth that didn't' come down because we didn't get a baby tooth pulled. The good thing is that I don't expect to put her in braces until Kaytlin's come off.
Then we headed back home, but Sam screamed and screamed along the way, so we decided we were going to stop at the thrift store. He was good, as long as I was holding him. Otherwise he was a turd. This is so unlike him. I got a TON of clothes for the kids and me, and a backpack (super cute, great condition with Winnie the Pooh on it!) and a duffle bag for Devon, and I spent under $50! It was awesome! I really want to shop for clothes for me, but I need to do it with no "help" so I can really go through each item and try them all on.
Sam was still a turd when we were leaving so we headed over to Walmart to distract him, wear him out, feed him. I picked up some school supplies, shopped for groceries, had lunch. Sam would NOT eat. Not even fries. He would eat Hope-Anne's McFlurry, though. And soon after he ate that he started squealing. Really loudly. In Walmart. Over and over. Really loudly. But he was happy!
We went home, and he finally, finally went to sleep.
I'm beginning to wonder what was in his craw. He IS getting a few more teeth on top, but why won't he eat? He ate while getting the other teeth? Could it be the 3/4 of a crayon he swallowed last night? Oh, yes, he did swallow it! And he CRIED about it. I'm hoping that it comes out easily, but I'm watching him for behavior issues. He seems happy now that we are at home.

Tomorrow Kaytlin flies to Maine to visit her grandmother. You can probably see what is going on during her 2 weeks on my mom's blog. Then she comes home and Devon flies out. We'll have to make 2 trips to the airport that day, but they will cross paths for my mom, she'll drop one off and pick the other one up in an hour. She'll have to be there for a few hours getting Kaytlin there early enough, but since its a 4+ hour drive for her, its better than 2 trips!

Now, about that poll over there on my sidebar. Drew and I were discussing how the Ouija board is not a good idea for Christians to dabble with. And we got to discussing the Magic 8 ball. Its a toss up, I mean, really should we mess with it? Is it just a game, or could there be something to it that Christians should not mess with. Scripture tells us to have not appearance of evil, and that if something (some Powers) is not of God it is of the Devil. So, I tried two balls out at a bookstore last weekend. I asked it 3 questions. I asked it if I was going to have more children. Both balls, each and every time I asked it, said Definitely. I asked both balls if I was going to have twins. Both said absolutely, I can count on it, each and every time I asked it. I then asked if I was going to be in a car accident and they both said "Concentrate harder and ask again." Don't you think that out of 12 questions there would have been a variation of answers? Now Drew, who doesn't think there is a big deal to it, said he got different answers to the same question, but I don't know when he tried it.
Then there is the "ring" thing for seeing what the sex of your unborn baby is. It has not been wrong for me. Or my friends. If you put a needle on a string and hold it over your wrist, or palm it will swing in circles or back and forth and pause in between for each child you have/will have. It was exactly on with my friend who is done having children, it went in order with mine, and then some that I haven't had, and with my two other friends who tried it with us. So, is that a form of witchcraft/divination/whatever? I want to believe that its just random, but I'd rather know the truth, because we should not do it if there is more to it than just randomness. Know what I mean?

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

So, did the crayon come out yet? Gross!

Never heard of the Magic Eight my opinion, though, why mess around with it?