Our 7 Qtpies

August 12, 2007

Samuel Cuteness!

Our church does a church service at the county fair every year, and we are encouraged to attend it there.
We were standing there singing and worshipping. I was holding Samuel, who was a squirmy worm.
He started watching the worship team and we had a young lady doing sign language up front. I looked down at Sam who was moving his arms over his head and then crossing them in front of his chest and making funny motions. I looked back up and watched the signing, and looked back at Sam. He was trying to do sign language! He is only 9 months old! Isn't that just too adorable?!?

6 people think my kids are qtpies:

Elizabeth F. said...

I believe it! WE do Baby Signing with our kids to help them communicate before they can talk. It helps so much! My daughter talked well before my boys did. Well, Zachary still doesn't talk much, but he sure can sign. The other day he signed Monkey Candy...he meant the Curious George Fruit Snacks that I had hiding up in the pantry. What a hoot!

Mrs. Stam said...

HOw cute, Little Rebekah is 3 month and knows when I sign to her what I'm saying (I sign and talk) she is now tryed to sign milk a few time so I'm expecting soon she'll have enough coordiantion to do it!


Kris said...

Too cute! Dani loves to "sing" while we worship...I'm afraid her little squealing is more of a distraction, but I'm sure God loves it!

Maybe there's a future for Sam in sign language "translation"?

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! You should consider teaching him sign language.

I taught all of mine a few basic things by the time they were 10months or so. "please", "thank you", "eat", "drink", and a couple more. My almost 2 year old who is not very talkative still does the signs for those words to me and invited a few of his own... like grab his pants when he needs a diaper change. lol Yep, time to concentrate on potty training.

Kate said...

I love that! Babies can be so observant. When we brought Luci Bella home from China, we taught her a few signs like the ones mentioned in above comments. It's amazing how fast they catch on.

Me said...

That's great! Isn't this a fun age!! I'm glad you had fun at Rachel's party, I was bummed we had to miss it, but we are hangin with the cousins (kids are in heaven) this week! We all are getting hit with colds also, not fun! Hope you guys feel better soon!