Our 7 Qtpies

October 30, 2007

If I were a cat, I'd have one less life...

First, I'll quickly explain the hand injury, then the title to this post!
The end of May I went to the zoo with my two best friends, Sarah and Jody. I rode with Jody in her blazer or whatever it is. (sorry Jody, I know its cool, but I don't remember vehicle names) Anyway, I was putting her oldest son DJ and Trinity in the back seat in their carseats and as I put my hand on the middle seat to pull myself out of the back, my hand slipped and my thumb bent WAY back. I was sure I had broken it. But who breaks their thumb by bending it backward? So, I let it go for months. Then in September Trinity ran into my thumb and jammed it again. It hasn't gotten better since. So I went in. The doctor thought a tiny bone was out of socket, so sent me to an orthopedic surgeon today. He had me move my hand in a weird position and oh my word the pain! And not where it has been hurting. So he says "Ah, that makes much more sense. You have tendinitis." I injured the tendons in my thumb, well, the base of my thumb and wrist. So, he injected the tubes that the tendons are in with cortisone and put me in a splint for 6 weeks.

So, after my lovely day with the concern over Sam, and then my lovely splint, things got even better!
I was about to head out to the store with Kaytlin and my mother in law when I went to get Sam to leave with a big kid. But we couldn't find him. We searched and searched the house, the yard, the garage. We checked the toilettes for drowning, the laundry chute, the oven, closets, cupboards. Nowhere.
We searched the alley, the sidewalk up and down the street. Nothing.
I called my friend's house and asked if they could reach the kids, Hope-Anne was on a walk with them and maybe she took him?? The strollers were all here. But maybe. Drew came home and I sent him out looking for them. Kaytlin took off in another car looking. My mother in law walked over looking for Sam along the way.
Then my friend drove up with the girls. And no Sam. I lost it. I just saw a horrid nightmare flash before my eyes. A life of investigations, a missing child, years of searching, finding a dead child. How could I face that? I fell to the ground in tears.
Then my phone rang. Devon had taken Sam and not told anyone. He never takes Sam. Kaytlin had come across him at their school, where I had sent Devon to go get something he left there. She told him I was going to kill him and he better call me and let me know Sam was safe.
I was THAT close to calling 911. I couldn't stay standing for some time.

I want to thank my friends who are leaving messages of encouragement and prayers for Samuel. I will work on the iron. I have no idea when they will let me know about the test results, but I covet each prayer for Sam. He has been eating SO much better tonight after seeing the doctor. Doesn't it always go that way? LOL

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

I will continue to bath Samuel in prayer...and you and Donnie as well. I can't imagine how you are feeling. Know that God is in control, and he has his loving hands around Samuel. I pray that God will just heal whatever is going on in him...and that he will grow into a strong, healthy, (fat...j/k) boy! I love you~

Anonymous said...

thanks for explaining to me about your thumb OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
praying for you

Oh you poor lady
I hate it when I lose my children momentary
thankfully nothing like this has happened to me
But I can imagine the dread and fear
Pleased it all turned out ok

Continueing to pray for Samuel

Carina said...

Poor little Sammy! We'll definitely be praying for him. (And your thumb) Glad you didn't kill Devon.

Did you see that Scribbit listed you as one of her favorite blogs?

Me said...

WOW! That is VERY scary story, not cool, at least he was safe!! We are praying for Samuel!