Our 7 Qtpies

October 17, 2007

It's a great day!

Devon is our little athlete. We expected him to do pretty well with football this year, but he really hadn't been saying much or playing much when we were there. But the varsity coach told him to tell his coach (the 9th grade team) to put him as wing man (is that right?). So he did. And yesterday he got a new nickname. They call him Adrian Peterson. I didn't get it, but when I told Donnie, he went nuts0 "That's my boy!" and a bunch of grunting and Tim the Toolman Taylor stuff. Apparently Adrian Peterson is a Viking player who kicked butt on Sunday's game. And now he gets to do a practice with varsity and dress for the game and sit with them, *maybe* even play, but probably not.

And then, I found a way to hear my favorite song in the world! Thank you Wordless Wednesday! I went to More Questions than Answers and found this great vid! Now it is a great day. Praise the Lord!

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Carina said...

Adrian Peterson's from around here. He was a fantastic player for one or the other of our college teams.

Sassyfrazz said...

Terry loves that song, too~ I showed it to him. It is a great song!

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