Our 7 Qtpies

June 24, 2008

Pick on Devon Day 5

Today we are going to give new meaning to the word "pick" in Pick on Devon Day. Who knew what would come up as I am writing these things? With seven kids things to blog about just tend to fall into my lap! Thankfully this didn't ACTUALLY fall into my lap!

Last night Devon came downstairs and sat next to his dad. I was listening in on the conversation:
Devon: Dad, I was blowing my nose and thought I was blowing out a bugger, but look at this!
Dad: What is that? Whoa!
Devon: A tick! A bugger coated tick!
Dad: Are you sure it is a tick?
Devon: I can see its legs in there! It is definitely a tick.

Today I found out it is all Drew's fault, but he isn't going to enlighten Devon. Drew found a tick on him but didn't want to get out of bed and deal with it, so he put it in a CD case. In the morning the tick was gone. And Devon blew one out of his nose......

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

Oh gag!!! that just creped me out, evenmore so since we hae been having more "bugs" as of late...that goes on the list of things I dont need to know so I can still slep at night...psst we are going camping and now the thought of ticks is scaring me

Anonymous said...

LOL! How did the tick get from the case to the nose?

Sassyfrazz said...

That is totally repulsive! Nasty~

Wry Beauty said...

OH NO! BRAIN TICKS! lol. I love the blog, your kids are absolutely adorable and the stories are very entertaining. Thank you for sharing your lives.