Our 7 Qtpies

August 24, 2008

Moving on from the gross worm....

Yesterday Hope-Anne and Kaytlin were talking about how Hope-Anne is planning to play the clarinet this year.
Kaytlin said "You can be Squidward now."
Hope-Anne said "No, I can't, I don't have testicles!"

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Don't you meant TENTACLES????

I'm a total spaz about my boys having girl friends. I hate it. I don't even like them talking to girls on the phone. (not to say this is one-sided, my girls haven't pulled anything in the way of boys, so I don't know how I will react there) Drew has made things worse by sneaking around behind my back on several occasions with girls, breaking our house rules.

Right now I am trusting Devon. Until he screws up. (my gut tells me he isn't messing up right now, and my gut is uncannily right on in this area with Drew)

Devon has been texting and talking to this girl late, late at night, and ALLLLLLLLLL the time. Thankfully she doesn't live close by, or I'd be really upset. I keep telling him that I am trusting him. If he screws up I am coming down with an iron fist.

So this morning I am getting ready to shower and I look down at the open closet door in the bathroom and see a button with a picture of a cheerleader on it. Not from our school. Ahem. What could this mean???

So, I redressed and went out to the living room in full confrontational mode.

Ok, Devon. Now I am suspicious!


Do you have a secret girlfriend?


Who is THIS then?

Kaytlin pipes in then. That's Leica. Our cousin. It must be Grandma's button.

Fine, Devon, you are off the hook. But I am watching you.

I don't know Leica, she is my mom's ex-husband's granddaughter. The kids met her because they went to Maine to stay with my mom. Now mom lives here and the button migrated to our bathroom closet somehow.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

LOL!!! I don't have to worry about savannah having a boyfriend she has 3 older brothers so the poor thing will never have a date. As for my oldest he is a handsome guy but he has a yucky other guy, his stupid teacher told his class don't get married because you will have kids and then you can NEVER ever do what you want to again..poor guy has told me a few times he is never getting married and will live with me for the rest of my life.

Kat said...

Isn't it crazy seeing the people that our kids are starting to become.I never want my baby to date!