Our 7 Qtpies

October 01, 2008

Just when I thought it would be hard

Drew is such a knuckle head. Just when I was thinking I'd be sad to see him leave, he goes and makes a jerk of himself and gets the entire house fighting.
Now I am ready to shove him out the door.
Or hit him over the head. Same difference.

What is with teens and their attitudes? I am ready to ship Kaytlin off to boarding school so I don't have to deal with her sudden attitude either. In two days I have had to point out an attitude to them and they both responded with an "Oh, well" shrug of their shoulders. It is so frustrating!

Plus, getting chores done? That is a constant battle of wills here. We had finally gotten to where I wasn't the mean mom, and now they are pushing it again, so I am back to mean mom today.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mrs. Stam said...

might be the tension of knowing that one of their sibling will be leaving soon!
They're sharing their love in a weird way!

Grandma J said...

I can't imagine dealing with more than one kid with a 'tude right now. Molly's hard enough to deal with and she's only 11. I'd like to send her off to boot camp too some days...if only I could.

Actually, it is hard to send them off to boot camp. BTDT - Twice. It was a little harder to send my daughter than my son, but they were both fine and did way better than I ever could have imagined doing myself.