Our 7 Qtpies

August 05, 2009

38 is great?

I'm not so excited about my birthday. I don't care about getting older, it really hasn't ever bothered me. And generally I like my birthday. I get special treatment, like foot rubs and choosing supper and sometimes going to a movie. The kids even try to be good on my birthday. (never do they give me what I ask for, though, which is a super clean house that I didn't have to clean)
However, what I wanted this year was to find two pink lines on a pregnancy test. I've known all week that it wasn't going to happen, what with the freakishly intense PMS going on over here. But instead of the two lines I got a visit from Aunt Flow.
Still, I shouldn't be so bummed. It is all the things weighing against me having another baby that is bumming me out. One fallopian tube, low sperm count from having had a vasectomy and reversal, starting pre-menopause and not ovulating every month.... it just doesn't look good. Sam is almost 3.
Thinking about how I would be in my second trimester already, past the morning sickness, bums me out, too.
I'm not going to age gracefully, I fear. LOL

Now, if I could just get some chocolate in me and shake this funk so I can enjoy my special dinner out and forcing Donnie to sit through a chick flick.

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Unknown said...

In His time!

Workship said...

So sorry your birthday is kinda bummin. Hope you got the chocolate! and that the chick flick was good. Praying the Lord grants the desires of your heart - or helps you know what to do with the longing.
Happy Birthday! Don't age gracefully - Give it all you've got!! I love your spunk.
Daisy :-)

Lisa said...

By Gods grace it will happen in his time. Ya want me to send you Sailor for a bit, she is 3 months today...
I will even send Savannah as the (token older girlfried) for Sam..