Our 7 Qtpies

March 04, 2010

Trying yet another method of potty training

Cause I am just not afraid of failure???

I have tried about everything so far to get Sam potty trained, but nothing lasts. So, yet again I keep trying things.

Recently I got little bottles of soda for Sam as a reward, because he is a soda freak. He gets one a day if he has a pretty good day. Or for going poo. And it is encouraging. But only if he is naked, of course.

Tonight I bought a bunch of toy cars and glow sticks and showed them to him, trying to explain that we were going to make a chart and if he goes potty 5 times he can choose a toy. He ran to the bathroom and peed right then and there. Well, you know how the rest of this goes, right? He wanted a toy right then. So I explained the FIVE times thing again. So he ran back in the bathroom and pooed. Still can't get a toy. So I had someone make the chart and he was shown the 5 times he has to go, so he ran back in the bathroom and pooed again.

He now has 3 marks on his chart, and he is drinking soda, so he'll probably have to go pretty quickly here.

This won't last more than a couple of days, if that. And probably only if he is naked. But at least I am TRYING, right?

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mrs. Stam said...

Good luck! Hoping that this works for ya!!!