Our 7 Qtpies

September 09, 2010

We've reached the breaking point

This bout with morning sickness is going so well compared to the other kids that I hate to utter a word of complaint. Really, normally I have lost 15lbs by now, and I am only down 5. Usually I puke many, many, many, MANY times a day, and in fact, by this point, I would have made a bed in the bathroom so I am closer to the toilet.
But this time I have only thrown up about 4 days now, and never more than one episode a day. So, yes, I think it is going great!
However, what is making it go so great is my lack of movement and staying hydrated. I need to lay down most of the day or I do throw up. So I am not able to get anything done around here. I can't cook anything, I can't even stand to walk into the kitchen. I can't clean anything. And do you think the kids clean? Not without me. It is getting to be a bit of a stress issue around here.
The kid KNOW they have to do a chore every day, but they are not doing it unless they are told, and even then it isn't happening much. I am in bed and not seeing what they are or are not doing. Donnie is getting stressed about it, too.
I know the kids hate it, and it has to be hard on them having mom down all day every day. They have to pick up my slack with feeding and watching the little two, keeping clean towels going, etc.

I'm really praying that this morning sickness only lasts the first trimester because none of us can take much more of it. With Sam it went on for 22 weeks. We'd deal with it, but my house wouldn't survive.

Hopefully just under 2 weeks to go.

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

"Such is life" I am glad your doing better then all the last PG's. That is great. Sorry the kids have not been more of a help to the family living. I would say give them consaquences for their actions for not doing them. If it has to be harsh then let it be, they will soon learn when "Their" life sucks lemons they will do "More" to make it sweeter. You need to rest and take it easy until you feel better.

michelle said...

You sound like me this last time around. I stayed in bed ALL OF THE TIME. I was too sick to even sit up and blog without laying my head back in the chair, and even then, I could only be on the computer for a few minutes at a time before feeling ill. When I get morning (all day!!!) sickness, it seems to last for a long time...up to the 5th month. I hope you are feeling better soon and back on your feet.

Jackie said...

I'm still trying to catch up with housework from my "fun" pregnancy. We just did bare minimum and sometimes not even that. Do what you gotta do, Lisa. Rest and stay hydrated. Keep growing that baby! You can do it! Rah, rah! (Pom-poms waving madly!)

Grandma J said...

Sorry, I should have come over and helped. I thought Christian was going to want to come with me to Molly's game at 4:30, and I didn't want to make two trips into town, and also didn't want to bring another little one to help mess. Turned out, he changed his mind and stayed home with him momma anyway. I'll have to get over there and help soon.